segunda-feira, junho 05, 2006

Estado d'alma ;)

Como nunca se consegue explicar o que nos passa pela cabeça quando estamos com um turbilhão de ideias, acho que esta é das melhores melodias, que ao mesmo tempo que nos dá a letra confusa, nos fornece uma música relaxante que nos ajuda a diminuir o vendaval de ideias... Was I too confusing??? I think not! :D

Look at me, Stare inside

Take my place, In my mind
Capture me, Follow through
Validate, Wanting you
It's been a long, long time.
Since you’ve been on my mind and I...
I must forget about us.
Turned away. What to do.
Let it go. Follow through.
Lost within. Endless eyes.
Lustin' calls. Logic cries.
Baby, this seems so right.
Baby, this seems so wrong.
Hour after hour, so long,
day after day, so long,
year after year after year.
And now we're here...

Never fade from my mind.
Shower me and give me life.
Never fade from my mind.
Always there when I close my eyes.
Never fade from my mind.
Shower me and give me life.
Never fade from my mind.
Always there when I close my eyes...

Hesitate. Pull me in.
Breath on breath. Skin on skin.
Lovin' deep. Fallin fast.
All right here. Let this last.
Here with our lips locked tight.
Baby the time is right for us...
to forget about us.
Shelter me. Gimme light.
Sexy days. Sensual nights.
Ain't no way, you'll be gone.
Cause I'll be here, still holdin'on.
Baby it's been so long.
And it could be tonight.
Hour after hour, so long,
day after day, so long,
year after year after year.
And now we're here...

Never fade from my mind.
Shower me and give me life.
Never fade from my mind.
Always there when I close my eyes.
Never fade from my mind.
Shower me and give me life.
Never fade from my mind.
Always there when I close my eyes
((gimme life)) ((gimme life)) ((gimme life))
((gimme, gimme, gimme life))
Never fade from my mind.
Shower me and give me life
(gimme love & gimme life)
Never fade from my mind.
Always there when I close my eyes.
Never fade from my mind.
Shower me and give me life
(gimme love & gimme life)
Never fade from my mind.
Always there when I close my eyes....
(( Never fade...In my life...
Never fade...In my life...
Neverfade...In my life...
Never fade...In my life ))

"Fade" - Kimblee

6 comentários:

sara disse...

Não Mia, n foste confusing...foste bastante clara até!Loved the photo...and the hat too**WEEEE**

Amanha de manha vou pa prainha sozinha.Em vez de ficar na sornice na cama vou morenar (Ihihihihih)


J disse...

Toda a gente adora essa música... :)

Vintage disse...

Miaaa! Estas magraaaaaa!... Quem te viu e quem te vê?! Vê se tomas cuidadinho. E sim,foste clara ;) *

Mia disse...

Que horroooooooooor! Parem de dizer que eu tou magra, eu não tou assim é que escolho bem as fotos, mas ainda tenho as minhas banhinhas de orgulho, LOL! E não se preocupem que a minha alimentação tem sido saudável, eu não deixei de comer!
Beijinhos grandes e .........

Ana, andas muito desaparecida, bem bem...vou-me zangar, hihihi! Vê se apareces nos anos da Joaozinha! Beijinho fofa

Lady disse...

Q foto gira....... Love U

Anónimo disse...

Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.